Jack Tyrrell Novels featuring PURGATORY

All of the Jack Tyrrell novels are available 
at Amazon and at Barnes & Noble. 


Turn From Evil

Someone once said, “Bad artists copy; great artists steal.” The combination of art and theft might have inspired a different form of criminal activity: Money laundering through art galleries. Jack Tyrrell, former Green Beret and Deputy Marshal, is about to depart for a winter weekend with his fiancée when he crosses paths with the general manager of an art gallery―fleeing for her life from two men with murderous intentions.

Before Tyrrell can get a cappuccino, he’s plunged into the world of art, money laundering, sex trafficking, and weapons dealing. The story twists and turns from Greenwich Village in New York City to Upper Grosvenor Street in London, leading to a confrontation with a homicidal, narcissistic billionaire.

“Had Philip K. Dick channeled Charles Dickens, Jack Tyrrell is the character he would have created. A clever mix of A Christmas Carol and a stylish modern thriller, action-packed yet soulful, traditional yet highly original.” Theodore George, author of, The Deadly Homecoming and Murders on the Square

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Tolstoy wrote that all happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. But what Jack Tyrrell, former Green Beret and Deputy U.S. Marshal, discovers is that unhappy families can be dangerous in their own ways. Violence, greed, gambling, sex, and broken romances combine in a lethal mix as Tyrrell goes undercover with his fiancée, Kim Gannon, to save three different families from their own demons. And do their best to stop a serial killer.

The non-stop action flows through Manhattan north to the scenic Hudson Valley. All the while, Tyrrell contemplates his future as a “righter of wrongs,” giving this latest Tyrrell thriller its spiritual dimension.

“Another worthy Tyrrell thriller. It’s fascinating to watch Jack Tyrrell’s character develop in the series as he grows into an increasingly 3-dimensional human being struggling to balance his “calling” — as a 21st Century tech-savvy, government-trained Lone Ranger righting wrongs — with his desire to live a normal life. Add a Dickensian twist and you have a uniquely Geoff Loftus read.”
– Theodore George, author of The Deadly Homecoming 

Casual Slaughters is available in paperback and e-book at Amazon and in e-book at Barnes & Noble.

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Fracture of the Soul

Fifteen kidnapped girls have been enslaved as prostitutes, trapped in a whore house on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. One rainy night, Jack Tyrrell, former Green Beret and Deputy U.S. Marshal, goes to the rescue and finds himself confronting neo-Nazis plotting mass murder.

Now Tyrrell’s fighting his way through illegal drug labs, corrupt cops, and bank robberies in a race to stop a terrorist disaster. The swift action moves throughout New York and its suburbs, as Tyrrell continues to examine his calling as a “righter of wrongs,” giving this latest Tyrrell thriller its spiritual dimension.

“The action, as always in a Tyrrell novel, is terrific: you feel as if you are in the middle of the fights and chases. And Tyrrell continues to evolve, accepting his ‘calling’ as a righter of wrongs and achieving a fulfillment that he never dreamed of.”
– Theodore George, author of The Deadly Homecoming and The Murders on the Square

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No Traveler Returns by Geoff Loftus

Jack Tyrrell jumps in to rescue a damsel in distress. The distress: a large, drunk lawyer who doesn’t like it when women reject him. The damsel? None other than Tyrrell’s first love, twenty-four years after they parted. The early love becomes Tyrrell’s latest client, and the two of them uncover a violent international money laundering scheme while they explore their renewed feelings for each other.

Unfortunately for Tyrrell, another person from his past appears to haunt him: Daryl Hawkins. The man who could be Tyrrell’s evil twin. Former military, CIA spook, and now a spy for hire. A man with every bit as much deadly training and dangerous experience as Tyrrell.

Action stretching from New York to London and Tyrrell’s encore relationship with his first love are combined with questions of moral responsibility to add a spiritual dimension to this latest Tyrrell novel.

“The action sequences are terrific: you can feel the punches and smell the gunpowder. And Tyrrell is growing as a person as the series grows. He’s coming to grips with having a ‘calling’ he never wanted and achieving a fulfillment that he never felt possible.” ― Theodore George

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Dangerous Purpose by Geoff Loftus

Jack Tyrrell is in the fight of his life against a group of spies for hire―former Green Berets, Navy SEALS, CIA, Mossad, and MI6. The toughest of the tough who will stop at nothing to pull off an attack on European Union offices in Paris and undermine international financial markets. Tyrrell and Harry Mitchum, Tyrrell’s guardian angel, will do whatever they can to stop the rogue spies from sabotaging, kidnapping, and killing all the way from Brooklyn to San Francisco to Washington and to Paris.

International action, millions of dollars, and Tyrrell’s love affair with a beautiful woman combine with questions of free will and moral responsibility to give this latest Tyrrell novel a spiritual thrust.

“Loftus’s latest opus is a worthy continuation of the Tyrrell series. In particular, the action sequences are exciting and the protagonist is a nice mix of Tarentino and Teilhard. Not an easy thing to do.”
― Theodore George

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The Last Thing by Geoff Loftus

On a beautiful Saturday afternoon in May, a professional assassin targets a newlywed couple as they emerge from church of St. Luke in the Fields in the West Village in Manhattan. The couple, framed in the church doorway, form a perfect shooting solution for the assassin, but Jack Tyrrell, former Green Beret and U.S. Marshal, happens to stroll by just as the shooter prepares to fire.

Tyrrell saves the bride and groom, but the assassin escapes to resume his serial killings of newlyweds with Tyrrell and his guardian angel and partner, Harry Mitchum, in pursuit. Why would a professional hitman target couples as they exit their wedding ceremonies? And why, six years earlier, did the murderer target Tyrrell’s wife, Maggie? Was she the first victim in the serial killings?

Now Tyrrell will do whatever he has to do to stop his wife’s killer. Even if it’s the last thing he ever does.

“If Dostoyevsky had created an action hero, that hero would be Jack Tyrrell. He’s a good man who did a horrible thing and suffers the consequences for years afterward. Tyrrell’s conscience not only never leaves him, it drags him down — he can rationalize his past behavior, but he can’t forgive himself for what he did. In The Last Thing, Geoff Loftus has mixed Crime and Punishment with a blam-blam action protagonist, and the result is another soulful, action-packed story in the Tyrrell series.”

– Theodore George

Available in E-Book and Trade Paperback at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Smashwords.

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Dark Mirage by Geoff Loftus

Just weeks before Christmas, Marissa Carvajal wakes up naked and soaked in blood, a billionaire’s corpse next to her in bed. She has no memory of the night before, no memory of his murder, and agonized over the horrible possibility that she killed the man.

Jack Tyrrell, former Green Beret and U.S. Marshal, and Harry Mitchum, Tyrrell’s guardian angel, will do whatever they can to save her, racing against the NYPD, a private security force the size of a small army, and a group of lethal, Chinese spies ― all of whom want to catch Marissa and send her to prison. Or worse.

A gorgeous, troubled woman, a dead billionaire, action, high tech, and national security combine with questions of free will and moral responsibility to give this thriller a spiritual thrust.

“Had Philip K. Dick channeled Charles Dickens, Jack Tyrrell is the character he would have created. A clever mix of A Christmas Carol and a stylish modern thriller, it’s a good read for lovers of either genre. Dark Mirage is action-packed yet soulful, traditional yet highly original, it’s a well-balanced, enjoyable opus that leaves readers wanting more Tyrrell stories.” – Theodore George

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Murderous Spirit by Geoff Loftus

“Can one author combine a thriller, a romance and a ghost story? Geoff Loftus does so admirably in his fast-paced, well written and engrossing new novel about a man given a second chance from a wholly unexpected source: his dead wife, whose murder he holds himself responsible for. Let this one-of-a-kind story teach you something about love, forgiveness and even faith.”

– James Martin, SJ, bestselling author of The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything,  A Jesuit Off-Broadway and The Abbey.

Jack Tyrrell was a burn out. A former Green Beret and U.S. Marshal, he’s become a drunken loser who, once upon a time, accepted a bribe and was shot by the people who bribed him. Tyrrell survived the shooting. His wife, Maggie, did not.

Five years after her death, Maggie appears to him as a ghost and offers him a chance to make things right. She introduces Tyrrell to Harry, who may literally be heaven-sent. Tyrrell, with Harry working as his case manager, sets out to help a veteran who’s suffering from PTSD and has assassinated a pair of Wall Street CEOs.

Action, murdered Wall Street titans, the Russian mafia, and a beautiful woman mix with questions regarding free will and what constitutes moral behavior to give this thriller a spiritual edge.

Tyrrell’s story is a mix of Charles Dickens, Philip K. Dick and thriller<br /> told by a sad, yet funny narrator — it’s entertaining and spiritually engaging.


3 out of 5 stars — Fast paced and exciting
By ygc9245 on February 4, 2016

Fast paced and tense. Loftus’s knowledge of New York City and how to transit the town is impressive.

A touch of Dickens and his ‘heavenly guide’ added some light to an otherwise tough story about love, guilt and forgiveness.

Is this the beginning of a series? I will look for the next Jack Tyrell story!

5 out of 5 stars — Murderous Spirit is a great read
By Thomas J. Galligan on February 24, 2016

I read a lot. I mean, really I read a lot. There are three hundred books on my Kindle and the list is growing. This book just came out by Geoff Loftus, the novel is called Murderous Spirit, and I just now finished reading it. He hit a home run with this book! It is very interesting and seriously entertaining. I don’t think I have ever recommended a book on the internet before, but I am now. This book is a really great read. I enjoyed it very much and know you will too.

In addition to writing a good action mystery, there is a spiritual element that is fascinating. Read it and see.

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